“Hearing our son Cole say he was having nearly daily thoughts of hurting himself, thoughts he now feared he would act upon, and his request to go to the hospital to talk to somebody was terrifying. Although he reached out for help, he was not always cooperative with his treatment. Our precocious child had grown into a complex, highly intelligent and challenging teen. He had both “fired” one of his therapist and had been “recommended to seek treatment elsewhere” by another. Logan was recommended to us. The majority of therapy was private, but we did have opportunities to observe Logan working with Cole. Logan’s patience and ability to keep our son engaged over an 8 month period was remarkable. We knew Logan was reaching him when we began to see behaviors we recognized as those he must have learned through therapy. Currently Cole is thriving. We believe that the skills Logan assisted Cole in developing will continue to benefit him into a stable future.”
— Submitted in deep appreciation, Susie June, 2018
“As I entered Logan’s office many times, it felt natural, comfortable and as if I was visiting with a best friend. Over the course of seven and a half years, Logan helped me overcome obstacles that I didn’t think I had the courage to. He guided me from the darkest points in my depression and helped me see the immense amount of good in my life. I always said, ‘I want to be good enough’ and Logan would fire back with, ‘You are good enough.’ Just hearing that someone thought I was good enough changed me at my core. I began to see the worth inside me that I tried to deny for years. Logan worked with me on good days and on bad days. He isn’t just a therapist/counselor but someone I can call a friend. My counseling sessions have ended as Logan moved from Ohio to Idaho, but the friendship has remained. I reached out during a time of struggle and my therapist/counselor/friend was there. He never once gave up on me during formal sessions and he still hasn’t given up on me now. To feel cared for, even outside of formal therapy sessions, is sometimes all that someone needs to light a spark to continual growth. I believe that Logan helped me change my views about myself in ways that I can now impact others around me in a healthier way; because I’m ultimately much healthier inside myself.”